The demand for hiring virtual workers in the Philippines has been increasing ever since entrepreneurs and professionals discovered the perks of outsourcing talents to further progress their businesses and practices. Building a remote team comes with challenges and it can also be a headache if you make these common mistakes when hiring virtual workers. Fear not, we are listing five of the most common ones and how to avoid them.
Mistake No. 1: Failing to Assess Why You Need to Hire Remote Workers
Firstly, you should ask yourself this question, do I really need to hire a remote worker? The goal of hiring is to save time, money, and effort for you to focus on essential tasks for your business to grow. The “why” should always come first before you’ll know the “how.”
Mistake No. 2: Too Vague Job Description and Scope
Secondly, if you already identified the reason why you should hire, then this part answers the ”how” and the other questions. There are several types of remote workers and thousands of potential candidates if you don’t identify what you really need. Expecting a remote worker to be a jack-of-all-trades would be a disaster.
What does your business really need right now? If you can answer this, you can identify the key tasks that you want to be outsourced and start from there.
Mistake No. 3: No Proper Training and On-boarding
You finally identified what your business need and you opted to hire a virtual worker, what now? Many business owners and professionals fail to do basic training and proper on-boarding for new hires and this could cause problems in the future. As an entrepreneur and a professional, you must act as a compass where you can lead the way to your new hires. Here are the things you should discuss but you are free to add more:
- Company Profile, Customers, Basic Processes Done
- Brief Overview of the Team
- Job Description and Rules
- KPIs and Metrics Needed
- Rate and Job Scope
Mistake No. 4: Failing to Communicate Properly and Establishing Time Boundaries
You can’t see your workers physically, so this is a MUST. Establishing open and healthy communication with your virtual workers is vital and should not be neglected. With so many communication and team management software nowadays, it is best to choose one for your business since you are handling a team. Slack and Google Suite are some of the tools you can try for free.
Imagine getting a call at two or three o’clock in the morning asking when can you finish a task, would you be so excited to do it? Establishing time boundaries is crucial especially if you and your remote workers have a huge time difference. Consider a time where you can meet and discuss things openly and constructively.
Mistake No. 5: Looking at the Wrong Places
Finally, looking in the right place matters a lot. With so many remote workers claiming to be an “expert” and wanting you to click the “hire me” button, this can be a headache. Where you look for remote workers matters a lot to decrease your chances of being scammed.
Good thing you have come to the right place. We have relevant experience hiring remote workers and we can definitely help you, feel free to contact us anytime!